There's good news for all Rebecca Black fans because her popular song "Friday" will cover by Glee cast on Glee Prom-theme Episode next week. The source claimed that this Friday Glee's version will using the original version.
Beside the female cast, The covered song also will be sing by Male cast including Kevin Mchale (Artie), Chord Overstreet (Sam), and Mark Sailing (Puck). According to the Glee director, the Idea to makes Friday covers actually came a long ago when Black's becoming huge popular on YouTube with her video "Friday" whoich already viewed by over 100 millions.
Meanwhile in other side, Rebecca Black now preparing her second single following her hit succes on Friday song. The new song called "LOL". according to music blog that I read this song will be the most anticipated song on internet. Peoples still curious what will Rebecca did after her infamous song. Rebecca itself claimed that the song will be still 'clean and appropriate", the song will be produces by the producer who also producing "Friday". I can't wait for the new Rebecca song!